The dreams on your heart were always meant to be yours.



Perhaps you've always known, that you're not meant for this world. That despite how much you try to fit in, you know you were made for more.

And here you are, continuing to live your life half fulfilled, knowing you have more to give. More to be. More to step into. More to create.

More life to live.

You want more love. More happiness. More fulfillment...

You know you're here for big things.

You want to make an impact. You want to do work that makes a difference, yes, but also that you're passionate about.

You want the vision you see so clearly in your mind, whether it's travel, wealth, your own soul-led business, having a family, healing your childhood wounding and being the best damn parent you can be, manifesting your soul mate, having the best f*cking sex of your life, experiencing a life of fulfillment, joy, and internal knowing..

You're able to see it in your mind, but you doubt most days whether or not you can actually walk it out..

With a vision as big as yours, and with all you've been through in your life, I'd be worried if it didn't scare you - if you didn't doubt it - if you didn't have a clue how it could be possible for you.


Babe, I'm here for you because I GET your dreams. I KNOW you're here for big things. I know you have a vision for your life that not many can see, and that most days you have a hard time grasping yourself...

Because I know what it feels like to live a half-life..

A life half-fulfilled, half full of joy and love and life and magic and wonder. One toe in your dreams and the other in this "reality" you've come to know and can't seem to let go of..

That was me. Many times in my life, resisting the call to my next level, to my greatness, to my larger mission and purpose and reason for being.. because it's big, because it's scary, because it's unknown, because all of my human conditioning resisted..

What I've come to know? Is that life is so much better living in line with the call of your soul.

The woman on that white sand beach in the photo? ... is me, so many years ago now, in the midst of an uplevel & teetering on giving up and going back to the "safety" of the life I once knew and had outgrown.

I wouldn't be here writing this same story had I not kept walking in the direction of my wild and crazy dreams that I knew deep down were meant for me, despite how much I wanted to turn around and run back into the arms of "safety" with a man I knew wasn't right for me.

The girl in this photo was coming to know she had a pattern of relying on men to hold her up, and I'm so damn glad she kept going on her journey to rediscover her power, her path, her purpose, and her greater mission in this life.

I created this membership...

△ For the woman with big dreams, and even bigger fears.

△ For the woman who desires more, yet can't seem to hold it all together as it is.

△ For the woman with a vision, and a past that just won't let go.

△ For the woman who knows she can't not, yet has no idea how..


I see you. It's time for the world to see you too.

The Life of Dreams is a 9 month immersion membership designed to call you back into alignment with who you are at your core.

It's a rebirth into who you always were and aspire to be.

Into a reality where you’re no longer pushing outside of you to reach your goals and make things happen, because you embody and align with them until they're yours instead..

Inside this container, you will become the you that you were always meant to be.

The you that was buried under years of conditioning.

The you that has always known the way.

The you that has been long since forgotten.

LBH the big dreams you have on your heart aren’t achieved through logical "acceptable" actions.

Your dreams are achieved by coming back into alignment with who you truly are at a soul level.

That, is where your every desire is available to you.

This is for you if:

△ You have big dreams that you're not sure how to bring to life

△ You're unhappy in your current job, relationship, or life circumstance but have no idea how to shift out of it

△ You often find yourself getting upset, frustrated, sad, or hurt that it's not happening for you

△ You've tried and failed in the past to bring your manifestations to life and make money doing what you love

△ You're unsure of your next steps, but you're willing to believe in the possibilities

△ You want to make money doing something you love and actually enjoy your life

△ You crave the freedom to live life on your own terms and make your own schedule

△ You crave more time for your family, for travel, or for just enjoying life

△ No matter what job, career, or income source you try, something always feels like it's missing and you literally just can't hang

△ You're seen as an outsider, a black sheep, or a fuck up by most people's standards

△ You never quite seem to "fit in" anywhere no matter how hard you try

△ The life you envision in your mind is worlds away from the life you're living now


 △ Having the business or income stream you've been dreaming of

△ Having time, money, and location freedom (if that's what you truly desire - it was for me!)

△ Being able to create your own schedule and live life on your own terms!

△ Manifesting your soul mate and having the best sex and communication you've ever known

△ Knowing how to become an "energetic match" to your desires so you can manifest them into your life

△ Not having to make decisions based on how much money you have, but instead based on pure soul desire

△ Healing your childhood wounds so you can be the best parent possible & stop holding yourself back in life

△ Being the master of your emotions so they're no longer ruling your life (and be able to teach this to your kids as well)

It's all possible for you..

What's Included:

Access to my entire course library so you can re-code back to your innate knowing and path (which currently includes):

△ Intuitive AF - understanding how the world works & how to hear and follow the guidance that's always there trying to guide you, if only you can get quiet enough (and well versed enough in the language of your soul's voice) to hear the call.. and even more than that - how to actually follow it. This is 2 trainings & includes 2 healings: the first to ground your intuition into your body & the second to heal where you turned your intuition down because you were told you were wrong, crazy, r any other reason that applies for you!

△ Emotional Mastery - becoming the master of your emotions rather than being controlled by them; knowing when to feel, when to heal, and when/how to shut down unhelpful reactions so you can be at peace and trust with your life, and so your emotions no longer determine your manifestations. Includes the training & a healing.

△ Conscious Motherhood - moving through and reworking the patterns and paradigms you were raised into while consciously raising your tiny humans with heart, soul, and intention in better, more healed ways - this is the course where we change the dynamics to support, empower, and love in order to nourish their dreams, and our own. Allow your journey as a parent to teach you to be better, while teaching them to be better, learning together, and allowing the inner work and triggers to light your way. In this course, we release the generational patterns that feel like a gut response like yelling, berating, coercion, bribery, and parenting through fear to get them to listen - and lead with love and understanding instead so they feel nourished and show up with love right back. Currently 6 modules & a healing with more videos to be added soon!

△ Visible - removing your unique visibility blocks so you can be seen for you who are, and get paid for what you're here to do. 4 trainings, as well as 7 immersive style vlogs where I take you with me as I remove my own visibility blocks and give you the tools to apply to your own life to lessen the time you stay stuck hiding from your craft. As always, includes a healing as well to integrate the teachings into your body & life!

△ The One About Soul Mates - calling in and living your best life with the divine counterpart to your soul that you've always seen yourself with - it’s not just some fantasy, in this course you will learn to align with the relationship you've always dreamt of, whether you you're already with them or not (we can manifest a change in dynamics too). Access to module 1 with the remaining 5 modules & 2 healings to come shortly!

△ Best Sex Ever - micro course, macro results 💦  Ignite your life with pure pleasure by owning (& healing) all that you've been through & HONORING everything you desire to be, have & experience in this life AND in your sexual experiences. IT’S ALL CONNECTED! You DESERVE to live a life of TURN-ON & PLEASURE.. & it’s quite honestly the way to all you ever dreamed of. Denying your desires & what turns you on, while simultaneously pushing/forcing things to work was never the way. It’s just what you were conditioned to believe & it’s time to rewire & release that programming so you can operate the way God & your Higher Self intended & it's the work I guide you through in this course.

△ And so many more to come that you you will have access to as they are filmed and released to the public!



Lifetime access to the Purposely Rich Babe course bundle (7+ hours of next-level content to get paid for your soul's mission):

  • Fear into Faith - transform your fears and amplify your faith so you can take the inspired actions that lead to your dreams being realized. 2 parts: transforming fear into faith & faith amplified!
  • Uplevel Your Life - 22 day journaling course for releasing what's in your way and stepping into the next level version of you
  • Monetize Your Life - 10 day training for turning your passions into purpose and getting paid, by amplifying your voice & aligning to your soul's vision
  • Intuitive AF + Lit with Money - 3 part intensive for healing and embodying the woman who knows her way, has faith in universal support, and lives out her dreams now while getting massively paid

 25-50% discount on all lifetime access to courses you have access to during your time in the membership that you would like to keep in your arsenal (discount varies based on each course)

What's possible:

△ Manifestations suddenly happening in your life that you'd been wanting for years

△ Increased confidence, joy, gratitude, and things miraculously working out in your favor

△ Increased ability to feel, heal, and move negative emotions, and using them to serve your growth

△ Finally uncover your purpose, your path, and your soul's truest desires so you can manifest them into your life

△ Gain the ability to connect even deeper with life, energy, and your soul path so that you always know the way

△ Make money doing what you love, enjoy the fuck out of your life, and make an impact on the world

△ Have the freedom to live life on your own terms and make your own schedule

△ Have more time for your family, for travel, for your health, and for enjoying your life to the fullest

△ Have utter faith and knowing that your dreams are INEVITABLE

△ Feel at home in your life and with the people and relationships that surround you

△ Transform all you thought was meant to hold you back, and RISE instead

△ Make more money with more ease, more joy, and more YOU, than you ever thought possible

△ Finally feel like you "belong" in this world because you've found who you are

What people are saying:

Kellie Noble

This is just the start to something big and I can't wait to see where this leads me and what will show up to help me clear out the negative and build on the positive. I am so glad I met you Alicia and had the opportunity to participate in this program ♥

Sarah Svenson

Alicia's "Fear into faith" course was exactly what I needed to take the leap and transform myself and believe in my business. Before that I was holding onto so many beliefs that was just me stopping myself. Her guidance and sharing helped me uncover a "can do" attitude that I didn't even know existed in me. I can’t wait to try more courses with her!

Who is Alicia?

Alicia is a Psychic Coach & Healer for women who have a bigger vision for their life than they've previously known. She is here to help you bring your big dreams to life using the energetic principles she used in her own life to shift and overcome generations and lifetimes of women not standing in their power & owning what they want.

Having grown up as the black sheep, the fuck up, and the girl who wouldn't amount to much - she has since embraced her shadow side and created a (r)evolution for women to be all of who they came here to be.

She is on a mission to bring more women into alignment with their soul's path and purpose so they can live the life truly they dream of, on their own terms, being all of who they came here to be - fully expressed, fully in their power, and fully in line with their path, purpose, self, and deepest desires.

She's wild, crazy, unconventional, and unapologetic in living life on her own terms, and she's paving the way for you to do the same.

How it Works:

△ Upon enrolling, you will be granted immediate access into the membership via email. You will receive an email from me welcoming you to the course, another email with your login details, and a final email granting you access into the membership.

△ You will also be granted access to the Purposely Rich Babe bundle upon enrolling. You'll be sent a "discount link" to access the PRB bundle for free. This link will be in your welcome email & in your LoD members area. You'll click the link and complete the $0 purchase to get access (it's set up this way so you have lifetime access to the bundle, even after you've completed your Life of Dreams membership).

△ Once you login to your members area, you will have access right away to: the Life of Dreams Ascension Meditation & all courses that are live and available to the public (the courses mentioned above). You also have immediate and lifetime access to your Purposely Rich Babe bundle after completing the $0 PRB purchase.

△ You have access to the membership for as long as you choose to stay. This is your rebirth into all of who you came here to be. Inside the membership, the courses are designed to strip you of the conditioning that told you who to be, so you can release it all and come back into alignment with the you that you see in your vision - the you that has been buried underneath all along, begging to come alive!

Do you feel the call to more?

What I've come to know about purpose and living the life of your dreams, is that your soul will continue calling you forth until you choose to listen.

Until you follow the call of your soul into all you came here to do and be.

We all have a unique purpose and path in this life, and I am so excited for you to find yours inside of this membership if you choose to join.

Know that you can trust your desires, and that your soul always knows the way.

If you are feeling pulled to step into the life that was made for you, and to do so inside of this membership, I would be so happy to have you, and let me be the first to say. welcome back to you! ♡

Are you ready to bring your dreams to life?

Monthly Membership
9 Month 'Rebirth' Membership
Yearly Membership